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Частные сообщения
Mel Marshak, Ph.D. Psychoanalyst, Palm Springs, California.
Sherrod, Blackie. Newspaper columninst. Quote from "Long Ago" column
in the Dallas Times Herald, August 24, 2006.
A World of Dreams, vol. 3. A Stephen Segaler Film. Public Media
Video, 1969.
"Luck be a Lady Tonight." Frank Loesser, song writer. Original 1950,
for the Broadway musical Guys and Dolls. Published by Hal Leonard.
Recorded by Frank Sinatra, Reprise Records, 1963.
"Sweet Lady Luck." The Whitesnake Group, unpublished song. Recorded
by the Whitesnake group, Geffen Records, 1994.
"Moonlight Gambler." Words by Bob Hilliard, muic by Phil Springer.
Recorded by Frankie Laine, Legacy Recording, 1989.
"The Gambler." Don Schlitz, songwriter. Recorded by Kenny Rogers,
United Artists, 1978.