22/06/2007 - 20:06
Анализ сновидений
1. Беккет С. В ожидании Годо /Иностранная литература, N?10. 2. Гегель Г.В.Ф. Система наук. Ч. 1: феноменология духа. СПб., 1992. 3. Фрейд 3. По ту сторону принципа удовольствия. М., 1992. 4. Arietl S. Interpretation of Shizoprenia. N. Y. 1955. 5. Binswanger Z. Being-in-the-World. N. Y. 1963.
6. Bateson G., Jackson D.D., Haley J., Weakland, J. and J. Towards a theory of schizophrenia/Behaviour Science. Vol. I, 251, 1956. 7. Bateson G. (ed.) Perceval's Narrative. A Patient's Account of His Psychosis. Stanford, Cal., 1961.
8. Boss М. Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions. N. Y., 1949. 9. Boss М. Analysis of Dreams. L., 1957.
10. Bultmann R. Primitive Christianity in its Contemporary Setting. L., 1956.
11. Colby E. (ed.) The Life of Thomas Holcroft, cont. by William Hazlitt. L., 1925.
12. Deutsch H. Some forms of emotional disturbances and their relationship to schizophrenia/Psychoanal. Quart. II, 301, 1942. 13. Dooley L. The concept of time in defence of ego integrity/Psychiatry, 4, 13, 1941.
14. Fairbairn W. R. D. Observations on the nature of hysterical states/Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 27, 105, 1954.
15. Farber L. H. The therapeutic despair/Psychiatry, 21, 7, 1958. 16. Fromm-Reichmann F. Some aspects of psycho-analysis and schizophrenia/Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics (eds. Redlich F. C. and Brody E. R.). N. Y" 1952.
17. Garfinkel H. Conditions of Successful Degradation Ceremonies/Am. J. Sociol., LXI, 1956.
18. Goffman E. Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation on Mental Patients and other Inmates. N. Y., 1961.
19. Goffman E. Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. Indianapolis, 1961.
20. Guntrip H. A study of Pairbairn's theory of schizoid reactions/Brit. J. Med. Psycho)., 25, 86, 1952.
21. Haley J. Strategies of Psychotherapy. N. Y., 1963. 21a. Heidegger М. Being and Time. L., 1962.
22. Henry J. Culture against Man. N. Y., 1963.
23. Kaplan В. (ed.) The Inner World of Mental Illness. N. Y. and L., 1964.
24. Kierkegaard S. The Sickness unto Death. N. Y., 1954. 25. Kraepelin E. Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry. L., 1905. 26. Kuhn R. La Phenomenologie de masque. P., 1957.
27. Laing R. D. The Self and Others. L., 1961.
28. Laing R. D. and Cooper D. Reason and Violence. L., 1964. 29. Laing R. D. and Esterson A. Sanity, Madness and the Family. Vol. I: Families of Schizophrenics. L., 1964.
30. Laing R. D. Mystification, Confusion and Conflict/Intensive Family Therapy. N. Y" 1965.
31. Laing R. D., Phillipson H. and Lee A. R. Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research. L., 1966.
32. Lidz. Т. The Family and Human Adaptation. L., 1964. 33. Lomasz P. (ed.) Psychoanalitic Studies of the Family. L., 1966. 34. Macmurray J. The Self as Agent. L., 1957.
35. Merleau-Ponty М. The Structure of Behaviour. Boston, 1963. 35a. O'Brien B. Operators and Things. L., 1958.
36. Sartre J.-P. Psychology of Imagination. L., 1950.
37. Sartre J.-P. Being and Nothingness. L., 1956.
38. Sartre J.-P. Foreword to "The Traitor" by Andre Gorz. L., I960. 39. Scheff T. Social Conditions for Rationality: How Urban and Rural Courts Deal with the Mentally Ill/Amer. Behav. Scient., March, 1964. 40. Scheff T. The Societal Reaction to Deviants: Ascriptive Elements in th$ Psychiatric Screening of Mental Patients in a Mid-Western State/Social Problems. No. 4, Spring, 1964.
41. Schreber D. P. Memoirs of my Nervous Illness. L., 1955. 42. Scott С. The "Body-scheme" in psychotherapy/Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 22, 139, 1949.
43. Searles H. F. Positive feelings in the relationships between the schizophrenic and his mother/Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 39, 569, 1958. 44. Segal H. Schizoid mechanism underlying phobia formation/hit. J. Psycho-AnaL, 35, 238, 1954.
45. Siasz T. The Myth of Mental Illness. L., 1962.
46. Tillich P. The Courage to Be. L., 1952.
47. Trilling L. The Opposing Self. L., 1956.
48. Winnicott D. W. Collected Papers. L., 1958.
6. Bateson G., Jackson D.D., Haley J., Weakland, J. and J. Towards a theory of schizophrenia/Behaviour Science. Vol. I, 251, 1956. 7. Bateson G. (ed.) Perceval's Narrative. A Patient's Account of His Psychosis. Stanford, Cal., 1961.
8. Boss М. Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions. N. Y., 1949. 9. Boss М. Analysis of Dreams. L., 1957.
10. Bultmann R. Primitive Christianity in its Contemporary Setting. L., 1956.
11. Colby E. (ed.) The Life of Thomas Holcroft, cont. by William Hazlitt. L., 1925.
12. Deutsch H. Some forms of emotional disturbances and their relationship to schizophrenia/Psychoanal. Quart. II, 301, 1942. 13. Dooley L. The concept of time in defence of ego integrity/Psychiatry, 4, 13, 1941.
14. Fairbairn W. R. D. Observations on the nature of hysterical states/Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 27, 105, 1954.
15. Farber L. H. The therapeutic despair/Psychiatry, 21, 7, 1958. 16. Fromm-Reichmann F. Some aspects of psycho-analysis and schizophrenia/Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics (eds. Redlich F. C. and Brody E. R.). N. Y" 1952.
17. Garfinkel H. Conditions of Successful Degradation Ceremonies/Am. J. Sociol., LXI, 1956.
18. Goffman E. Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation on Mental Patients and other Inmates. N. Y., 1961.
19. Goffman E. Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. Indianapolis, 1961.
20. Guntrip H. A study of Pairbairn's theory of schizoid reactions/Brit. J. Med. Psycho)., 25, 86, 1952.
21. Haley J. Strategies of Psychotherapy. N. Y., 1963. 21a. Heidegger М. Being and Time. L., 1962.
22. Henry J. Culture against Man. N. Y., 1963.
23. Kaplan В. (ed.) The Inner World of Mental Illness. N. Y. and L., 1964.
24. Kierkegaard S. The Sickness unto Death. N. Y., 1954. 25. Kraepelin E. Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry. L., 1905. 26. Kuhn R. La Phenomenologie de masque. P., 1957.
27. Laing R. D. The Self and Others. L., 1961.
28. Laing R. D. and Cooper D. Reason and Violence. L., 1964. 29. Laing R. D. and Esterson A. Sanity, Madness and the Family. Vol. I: Families of Schizophrenics. L., 1964.
30. Laing R. D. Mystification, Confusion and Conflict/Intensive Family Therapy. N. Y" 1965.
31. Laing R. D., Phillipson H. and Lee A. R. Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research. L., 1966.
32. Lidz. Т. The Family and Human Adaptation. L., 1964. 33. Lomasz P. (ed.) Psychoanalitic Studies of the Family. L., 1966. 34. Macmurray J. The Self as Agent. L., 1957.
35. Merleau-Ponty М. The Structure of Behaviour. Boston, 1963. 35a. O'Brien B. Operators and Things. L., 1958.
36. Sartre J.-P. Psychology of Imagination. L., 1950.
37. Sartre J.-P. Being and Nothingness. L., 1956.
38. Sartre J.-P. Foreword to "The Traitor" by Andre Gorz. L., I960. 39. Scheff T. Social Conditions for Rationality: How Urban and Rural Courts Deal with the Mentally Ill/Amer. Behav. Scient., March, 1964. 40. Scheff T. The Societal Reaction to Deviants: Ascriptive Elements in th$ Psychiatric Screening of Mental Patients in a Mid-Western State/Social Problems. No. 4, Spring, 1964.
41. Schreber D. P. Memoirs of my Nervous Illness. L., 1955. 42. Scott С. The "Body-scheme" in psychotherapy/Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 22, 139, 1949.
43. Searles H. F. Positive feelings in the relationships between the schizophrenic and his mother/Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 39, 569, 1958. 44. Segal H. Schizoid mechanism underlying phobia formation/hit. J. Psycho-AnaL, 35, 238, 1954.
45. Siasz T. The Myth of Mental Illness. L., 1962.
46. Tillich P. The Courage to Be. L., 1952.
47. Trilling L. The Opposing Self. L., 1956.
48. Winnicott D. W. Collected Papers. L., 1958.